Source code for pysight.ascii_list_file_parser.distribute_data

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import attr
from typing import Dict
from attr.validators import instance_of

[docs]@attr.s(slots=True) class DistributeData: """ Separates the channel-specific data to their own channels. Inputs: :param df: pd.DataFrame with data :param dict_of_inputs: Mapping of inputs to data they contain :param use_tag_bits: Whether TAG bits are needed """ df = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(pd.DataFrame)) dict_of_inputs = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(dict)) use_tag_bits = attr.ib(default=False, validator=instance_of(bool)) dict_of_data = attr.ib(init=False) data_to_grab = attr.ib(init=False)
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """ Runs the allocation function, populating self.dict_of_data """ self.dict_of_data = self.__allocate_data_by_channel()
def __allocate_data_by_channel(self) -> Dict: """ Go over the channels and find the events from that specific channel, assigning them to a dictionary with a suitable name. :return: Dict containing the data """ dict_of_data = {} self.data_to_grab = ['abs_time', 'sweep'] # relevant columns of the DF for analysis if self.use_tag_bits: self.data_to_grab.extend(['tag', 'edge']) for key in self.dict_of_inputs: relevant_values = self.df.loc[self.df['channel'] == self.dict_of_inputs[key], self.data_to_grab] if key in ['PMT1', 'PMT2']: dict_of_data[key] = relevant_values.reset_index(drop=True) dict_of_data[key]['Channel'] = 1 if 'PMT1' == key else 2 # channel is the spectral channel else: dict_of_data[key] = relevant_values.sort_values(by=['abs_time']).reset_index(drop=True) return dict_of_data