Source code for pysight.nd_hist_generator.outputs

from typing import Dict, Any, Tuple, Union
from collections import namedtuple
import pathlib
import logging

import attr
from attr.validators import instance_of
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import zarr
from numcodecs import Zstd

[docs]def trunc_end_of_file(name) -> str: """ Take only the start of the filename to avoid error with Python and Windows :param str name: Filename to truncate :return str: """ return name[:240]
[docs]@attr.s(slots=True) class OutputParser: """ Parse the wanted outputs and produce a dictionary with file pointers to the needed outputs # TODO: Handle the interleaved case """ output_dict = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(dict)) filename = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(str), converter=trunc_end_of_file) num_of_frames = attr.ib(default=1, validator=instance_of(int)) flim_downsampling_time = attr.ib(default=1, validator=instance_of(int)) x_pixels = attr.ib(default=512, validator=instance_of(int)) y_pixels = attr.ib(default=512, validator=instance_of(int)) z_pixels = attr.ib(default=1, validator=instance_of(int)) channels = attr.ib( default=pd.CategoricalIndex([1]), validator=instance_of(pd.CategoricalIndex) ) binwidth = attr.ib(default=100e-12, validator=instance_of(float)) reprate = attr.ib(default=80e6, validator=instance_of(float)) lst_metadata = attr.ib(factory=dict, validator=instance_of(dict)) file_pointer_created = attr.ib(default=True, validator=instance_of(bool)) cache_size = attr.ib(default=10 * 1024 ** 3, validator=instance_of(int)) debug = attr.ib(default=False, validator=instance_of(bool)) #: Dictionary with data - either the full or summed stack, with a list of zarr objects as channels outputs = attr.ib(init=False) #: Tuple of (num_of_frames, x, y, z, tau) data_shape = attr.ib(init=False) num_of_channels = attr.ib(init=False)
[docs] def run(self): """ Parse what the user required, creating a list of zarr dataset pointers for each channel """ self.outputs = {} self.num_of_channels = len(self.channels) self.data_shape = self.determine_data_shape_full() if not self.output_dict: return if self.output_dict["memory"]: self.outputs["memory"] = 1 self.__create_prelim_file() if self.file_pointer_created: self.__populate_file()
@property def _group_names(self): return { "summed": "Summed Stack", "stack": "Full Stack", "flim": "Lifetime", } def __create_prelim_file(self): """ Try to create a preliminary zarr file. Cache improves IO performance """ if ( self.output_dict["stack"] or self.output_dict["summed"] or self.output_dict["flim"] ): try: path = pathlib.Path(self.filename) newpath = path.with_suffix(".zarr") debugged = "_DEBUG" if self.debug else "" fullfile = newpath.with_name(newpath.stem + debugged + newpath.suffix) self.outputs["filename"] =, mode="w") self.outputs["filename"].attr = self.lst_metadata except (PermissionError, OSError): self.file_pointer_created = False logging.warning("Permission Error: Couldn't write data to disk.") else: self.file_pointer_created = True self._generate_parent_groups() def _create_compressor(self): """Generate a compressor object for the Zarr array""" return Zstd(level=3) def _generate_parent_groups(self): """Create the summed stack / full stack groups in the zarr array.""" for key, val in self.output_dict.items(): if val is True: # val can be a string if key != "memory": self.outputs["filename"].require_group(self._group_names[key]) self.outputs[key] = True def __populate_file(self): """ Generate files and add metadata to each group, write out the data in chunks f: zarr file pointer """ data_shape_summed = self.data_shape[1:] # Even though we usually downsample in time the FLIM data, its data shape # will remain equal to the original one here. This is because when we process # the data on a chunk by chunk basic, we downsample it in time. If the number # of frames per chunk is odd, and the downsampling factor is 2, then we'll # end up with a bit more frames than we thought we would, and these excess # frames won't map well to the Zarr array. Thus we'll make the FLIM array # larger than needed, and resize it at the end. data_shape_flim = self.data_shape chunk_shape = list(self.data_shape) chunk_shape[0] = 1 chunk_shape = tuple(chunk_shape) if self.output_dict["stack"]: try: self.__create_group( output_type="stack", shape=self.data_shape, chunks=chunk_shape, dtype=np.uint8, ) except (PermissionError, OSError): self.file_pointer_created = False if self.output_dict["summed"]: try: self.__create_group( output_type="summed", shape=data_shape_summed, chunks=True, dtype=np.uint16, ) except (PermissionError, OSError): self.file_pointer_created = False if self.output_dict["flim"]: try: self.__create_group( output_type="flim", shape=data_shape_flim, chunks=True, dtype=np.float32, ) except (PermissionError, OSError): self.file_pointer_created = False if self.file_pointer_created is False: logging.warning("Permission Error: Couldn't write data to disk.") def __create_group( self, output_type: str, shape: tuple, chunks: Union[Tuple, bool], dtype: np.dtype, ): """Create a group in the open file with the given parameters.""" groupname = self._group_names[output_type] for channel in range(1, self.num_of_channels + 1): self.outputs["filename"][groupname].require_dataset( f"Channel {channel}", shape=shape, dtype=dtype, chunks=chunks, compressor=self._create_compressor(), )
[docs] def determine_data_shape_full(self): """ Return the tuple that describes the shape of the final dataset. Dimension order: [FRAME, X, Y, Z] """ non_squeezed = ( self.x_pixels, self.y_pixels, self.z_pixels, ) squeezed_shape = tuple([dim for dim in non_squeezed if dim != 1]) return ( self.num_of_frames, ) + squeezed_shape # we never "squeeze" the number of frames
DataShape = namedtuple("DataShape", "t, x, y, z")
[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True) class PySightOutput: """ Keeps the relevant data from the run of the algorithm for later in-memory processing. :param pd.DataFrame photons: The 'raw' photon DataFrame. :param dict _summed_mem: Summed-over-time arrays of the data - one per channel. :param dict _stack: Full data arrays, one per channel. :param pd.CategoricalIndex _channels: Actual data channels analyzed. :param tuple _data_shape: Data dimensions :param Dict[np.ndarray], optional flim: FLIM data or None :param Dict[str,Any] config: Configuration file used in this run. """ photons = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(pd.DataFrame), repr=False) _summed_mem = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(dict), repr=False) _stack = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(dict), repr=False) _channels = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(pd.CategoricalIndex), repr=False) _data_shape = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(tuple), repr=False) config = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(dict), repr=False) flim = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) available_channels = attr.ib(init=False) data_shape = attr.ib(init=False) ch1 = attr.ib(init=False, repr=False) ch2 = attr.ib(init=False, repr=False) ch3 = attr.ib(init=False, repr=False) ch4 = attr.ib(init=False, repr=False) ch5 = attr.ib(init=False, repr=False) ch6 = attr.ib(init=False, repr=False) ch7 = attr.ib(init=False, repr=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): """ Populate the different attributes of the class """ object.__setattr__(self, "available_channels", list(self._channels)) object.__setattr__(self, "data_shape", self._parse_data_shape()) for channel in self._channels: cur_stack = MultiDimensionalData( self._stack[channel], self._summed_mem[channel], self.data_shape ) object.__setattr__(self, "ch" + str(channel), cur_stack) def _parse_data_shape(self): """ Turns the data shape tuple into a namedtuple """ shape = self._data_shape[:3] if len(self._data_shape) == 4: # take TAG shape regardless shape += (self._data_shape[3],) else: shape += (None,) return DataShape(*shape)
# TODO: Add FLIM here
[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True) class MultiDimensionalData: """ Internal representation of a stack of data. :param np.ndarray full: The entirety of the data. :param np.ndarray time_summed: All data summed across the time dimension. :param DataShape _data_shape: List of valid dimensions. :param np.ndarray z_summed: All data summed across the z dimension. """ full = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(np.ndarray), repr=False) time_summed = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(np.ndarray), repr=False) _data_shape = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(DataShape)) z_summed = attr.ib(init=False, repr=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self._data_shape.z: object.__setattr__(self, "z_summed", self.full.sum(axis=3))