Interleaved beamletsΒΆ

PySight allows you to de-multiplex images generated by interleaving more than one excitation beam. For example, assuming a laser reprate of 80 MHz, sometimes you may wish to create two beamlets out of the main excitation beam, and space them 6.25 ns apart so that every 6.25 ns a new pulse hits the sample and excites the fluorophores in it. This method is very useful for numerous imaging techniques, but is usually very hard to implement, requiring top-of-the- line electronics and high expertise.


You must connect the laser clock to the multiscaler in order to use this option.

By marking the Interleave? checkbox in the Advanced part of the GUI, you notify PySight that two (and currenlty only two) beams were interleaved. PySight then knows to divide the photons arriving at the detector into two parts, generating two different stacks of images in its output files.